Eliza Chapter 6 – Concern about the neighboring country

The stunningly golden wheat, and all the rye as well has been harvested, a silent winter was about to take over from late autumn here in the Kaldia domain. My three month soldier in training course was almost over, and I’m also throwing up much less often than before. Every day, I would walk around with a hoe for plowing that was taller than I was, but for now, it was too big for me to even swing. It’s some sort of strange training that’s supposed to improve my physical strength and endurance.

It happened one day right before I would return to my life in the mansion from the barracks. In the office of the domain’s lord in the Mansion of Golden Hills that I wasn’t allowed to step into until I completed my training course, right now I was receiving a personal lesson from Earl Terejia in front of four maps on the national situation.

Earl Terejia has reformed the domain’s laws quite a bit, and in particular he wrote all of the laws pertaining to the domain’s troops himself. Before he came, it was like we almost didn’t even have a standing army. It’s because in my father’s entourage, as long as about ten people had weapons, that was enough for him to swagger about.

After all, it’s stipulated that all the nobles in Arxia are supposed to have their own forces. Of course, basically no countries would want to invade us, the largest country on the continent, and inside the country it’s been peaceful as well ever since the kingdom was founded, many lords’ armies were there in name only. It’s no exaggeration to say that the only ones with decent armies are the earls stationed on the remote borders.

In the time of the Arxia Kingdom’s previous incarnation, the Ar Xia Holy Kingdom, we had already abandoned all policies of military aggression towards other countries. Currently, the borders with other countries were closed, and only those with a passport issued by the king were allowed to enter or leave.

We have non-interference peace treaties with other countries, and there are friendly trade agreements to allow merchants with permission from the state to do business and international trade. Our country basically practices isolationism.

As for the overall situation in the continent, the rise and fall of nations occurs very often with high intensity. The countries apart from the Arxia Kingdom are basically always on alert and vigilant for war.

Arxia Kingdom is able to remain at peace largely in part because the other countries haven’t been able to develop beyond anything more than small countries. The power struggles between countries of similar strengths is keeping them busy, so none of them have the time to even do anything about the major power Arxia.

Among all this, as for why Earl Terejia has been gathering an army in the Kaldia domain, of course there’s a reason for it. It’s to guard against the countries in the east.

“The Rindarl Union Dukedom, is it?”

“They might be changing their name to Rindarl Empire soon.”

To the east of the Arxia Kingdom, four countries have been expanding their territory for the past hundred years. It’s an alliance between the countries of Densel, Planates, Giograd, and Parmigran.

Originally, there had been a country called the Rindarl Kingdom that ruled over the northeastern part of this continent, but it split into north, south, east, and west, each ruled over by a duke, and each dukedom ended up attracting many people similar to the duke of each country, thus becoming their own separate countries with individualistic traits.

At some point recently, there had been a movement to reunify the four dukedoms and to nominate an archduke as the leader of the four dukedoms. With that many people under their rule combined, it wouldn’t be strange if they changed their name to the Rindarl Empire.

Right now, the four dukedoms are small countries compared with Arxia, but if they combine and become one country then they will become a great power comparable to Arxia. If another country with similar power is born, then the predominant position that Arxia has held onto for so long might be no more. Depending on the actions from the Rindarl side, a war between the two countries may be an actual, alarming possibility.

“Between the Kaldia domain and the country of Densel, there’s only the Jugfena royal domain. If a battle with Rindarl begins, not only would you be ordered to the front lines, it wouldn’t matter even if you had no combat skills.”

Earl Terejia explained everything clearly and in extreme detail to me, while he marked places for me on the maps showing the northern part of the continent and the Arxia Kingdom.

With Rindarl uniting together, that would completely change the power balance in the north. Arxia would be affected the most directly, which is why secretly, the Kaldia domain would have to take heed and be on guard as we were located in the east of Arxia and close to the border.

Because I still hadn’t learned much yet from Mrs. Marshan on Arxia’s politics, Earl Terejia had to explain everything to me meticulously. Even though I had arrived at the office during the morning, it was already time to have a light lunch after the earl finally arrived at the main topic.

“What I just told you about Rindarl, you should think on it a bit yourself as well. At least, right after your upcoming sixth birthday celebrations are over. It’s good to be prepared early.”

Earl Terejia moved onto the main issue. First, he picked up a detailed map of the north, pointing out the borders of the Jugfena royal domain and the Densel Dukedom.

“Do you know about Fort Jugfena that’s been built along our national border?”


It’s the fort where Rashiok’s siblings are being raised. To the east, there’s a forest known as the Monster Forest, and it’s also a major export location for the grain produced by the Kaldia domain. Since it’s not open ground and we have to go around the Monster Forest to get there, I’ve heard it would take about four days to get there on horseback.

The earl pointed his finger at the northeastern part of the royal domain. He drew a circle close to the southern tip of the Bandishia Plateau, and kept tapping it.

“Do you know about the nomads?”

“They’re tribes of people that raise livestock and periodically roam. Is that correct?”

“That’s mostly correct. South of the Bandishia Plateau, is a nomad tribe called the Shiru tribe. They should technically belong to the kingdom of Artolas, but because Densel has conquered Artolas, they’re resisting against Densel together with some of the farmers from the border.”

The earl pulled out the oldest map out of the four maps he had prepared, and showed me the area that used to be the former empire of Artolas. It’s a country that used to contain the eastern half of the Amon Nor Mountains, as well as the Bandishia Plateau. Its capital Remeshu had been located in the northern plateaus, but after it fell to Densel, now it’s become part of Densel’s territory.

Artolas had originally been founded as a country for the Artolas people, and this included the Shiru tribe, and the farmers around the region had been accepted into the former country of Artolas as well, is what the earl explained to me.

“Since Densel now controls the farmland to the east, the Shiru tribe has been gradually moving westward. Right underneath the plateau, in the royal domain is where battle between the Shiru tribe and Densel will most likely begin. It’s because that entire area is wide open plains. Actually, it’s been reported to the House of Lords that the Shiru tribe and the farmers together with them would like to be accepted as refugees by Fort Jugfena.”

Given that the Shiru tribe has less than one in ten thousand odds of winning, if Rindarl unites together successfully then it’s extremely unlikely that Densel will stand for leaving them alone. It’s been five years since the name Artolas has been erased from the maps. Because the Shiru tribe has resisted Densel unsuccessfully for all this time, it’s very unlikely that they’ll now be accepted as citizens of Densel.

“Densel intends to wipe out the Shiru tribe, and the Shiru tribe knows that they can’t resist them… is that what’s going on?”

“That’s right. At this late hour, surrender is no longer an option open to them. However, although the Shiru tribe aren’t numerous, they are excellent equestrians. It’s difficult to imagine that they will be completely wiped out before they reach Arxia.”

With the fort so close to them, the Shiru tribe would definitely fight their very hardest – if that’s the case, Arxia might not be able to say it’s unrelated. The leaders in the Jugfena royal domain should think really hard about whether to intervene.

“The leader of a domain’s armies is the lord of a domain. That means you, Eliza.”

Because I’ve inherited the title of Viscountess as a member of the Kaldia family, that also means taking on the responsibilities that come with it. The Arxian royalty and nobility that had gotten complacent in an era of peace, didn’t treat the talk of Rindarl uniting together seriously four years ago, when I had just inherited my title.

“It’s fine to leave command decisions on the battlefield to General Calvin, but at a very minimum you will have to be present in the fort. If defense of the fort becomes necessary for whatever reason, know that you yourself may also be required to take up arms for self-defense. After you end your time in the barracks tomorrow, I will begin teaching you how to ride a horse.”

There was no room for me to agree or disagree with anything. I’ve always thought that the concept known as war was very far from me, but in actuality it was so close already. I looked silently into Earl Terejia’s eyes, and could only respond by nodding.


49 responses to “Eliza Chapter 6 – Concern about the neighboring country

  1. Pingback: Chapter 6 – Concern about the neighboring country | AnimeWallpaperHD·

      • I feel like i’m the only one applauding her for killing her family here afterall she didn’t do it for herself, but for her people, she could have waited until she grew up then run away but how many people would have died then?
        It may seem a bit cold but as a noble her first duty is to protect her domain and people… Even if it’s from her sadistic family.

        I can’t see her as a villainess because of that.

        Liked by 18 people

    • She would have been a villainess if she was born and raised naturally by her parents, but remember that this is a reincarnation story and she already murdered her family.

      Never mind, she’s still a villainess. Everyone else just doesn’t know it.

      Liked by 15 people

    • Well, I doubt she’ll give a fuq at all about the heroine/capture targets/etc (unless it serves to support her realm!!) when she finally gets to the school that the otome game took place in. But the person she was reborn as was originally that otome game’s villainess…

      Liked by 5 people

    • More like raising her as a man is the only way to keep the territory afloat. After all woman would not be able to inherit nobles titles except through marriage in the time period this wn seems to base itself on. And now more than ever the region need to be strong in the face of potential war.

      Liked by 8 people

  2. Feels so heavy. Now I’m wondering what will be her role and what she will do once the war started. If only she has a hardened mind, our protagonist might turn into similar to the MC of Youjo Senki.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks 4 the chapter!

    They’re seriously going to send a 6 years old into battle? She’s not even a teenager yet where she would at least have the muscle strength to at least resist the first sword swing aimed at her.
    Seriously, no matter how much she train, as a child there is no way she can match the strength of an adult soldier.


    • hate to say this but it pretty much true there are child soldiers that pickup arms at ages even younger than her. the fact that she reincarnated and murdered her parents at the age of 2 set her on this path. she could have easily ran away from that bad ended when she grew older vs killing her family that was her “choice” (she could have given up the noble life/wealth) one she has to deal with. I’m of the mindset that anything that happens too her is of her own doing.


      • I’m not arguing the morality, it just seems stupid to send a child against an adult, assuming of course that they armed her with melee weapons, it’s another matter if she will be armed with a crossbow that doesn’t require much strength.


      • Well it’s not that bad if you think about the usual pros/cons of a smaller guy vs a big guy.

        The smaller guy is usually underestimated. Being a child, she’ll probably be more so. Usually able to maneuver quickly on their feet and since she’s smaller, it’s less of an attack area for her opponent. She also seems to have a good head on her shoulders, so she might fare decently in a battle… At least, long enough to run away lol.


      • Before she entered it, this was an otome game, given it medieval setting and monsters exist, I think it not far-fetched to say there’s magic as well, its just Cardia is border domain, too far away from capital to see any mage. In book 1 of ASoFaI, Robb was 15 and Jon’s 12, kids in medieval times was considered adults much sooner than we are nowadays, because shorter life-expectancy

        Liked by 1 person

  4. So that’s why the boot camp, huh? This Earl is frightening pragmatic. In his strategy, everyone’s a piece, gender and age matter not. This might not has the same time intensity as Amber Sword, but it definitely on clock. Not only for Eliza and Axia, but the man himself(he’s what?83?).

    He accurately saw Rindall’s ambition and prepared accordingly.
    Eliza got such harsh treatment, not only to appease to the solider-ex-bandits-ex-oprressed-famer, but because she simply doesn’t has the luxury to grow gradually. She is five, close to six now. But you think Rindall will wait for her? Once the merging announced to the world, the invasion is right after that, or even before it, unofficially. The Cardia’s include the East border, so they are the first to take the wave, the might of a growing young empire, eager to expand. That’s not gonna end well. And thanks to her scums parents, the land was terribly underprepared.

    So Eliza not only has to restore the domain, but also has to prepare it to the incoming war, and survive through it. If she has inkling of the information the Earl currently withholding, no doubt out of consideration for her age, she probably would say this pace is still too lax. Like Lelouch said: “Only when the King moves, the army will follow” And who the King here? She is.

    Btw, imperfectluck, how far ahead the raw is now? And thank you for your works.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow I love it, she will go lelouch vi britania on us ? I can already see some roadblocks for her in the future. Her own country nobles, and the foreign one and lets not talk about the monster that are gonna appear lol. I truly hope that magic exist in this world. She will need it.


  6. a 5 year old have to go to battle…..why the fuck have Earl Terejia there looking after everything if he can just say fuck it i screwed up now go fight since im ur acting viscount..i dont get it

    Liked by 1 person

    • He’ll be dead soon and the next guardian might not be so nice, so he has to give Eliza a proper foundation to stand on before she’s left alone.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Pingback: Eliza – I reincarnated as a noble girl villainess, but why did it turn out this way…… | Omega Harem Translations·

  8. thanks!
    yeah, she successfully passdd the training!
    ah, so that’s why it’s important that she learns how to battle.
    ooh, horseriding, nice!


  9. … the part with walking around with a hoe is probably just because they find her cute that way. xD

    You know, I wondered at first why Earl Terejia taught her about the military situation After her training. Now that I think about it though, maybe he wasn’t sure about wanting to involve her in military matters at first. If she ever showed signs of giving up during the training, he may have tried to arrange a more comfortable lifestyle with no military intervention. However, she showed guts and persistence, so maybe he decided to start involving her to see.

    It’s interesting that Arxia is supposed to be the major power, but it hasn’t actually been in a proper war in a while. Hell, with how Eliza is accepting the Shiru tribe who has been resisting against overwhelming odds for years, it’s like she automatically gets her hands on the most veteran army in the country.


  10. Like hell if this is going to be a typical villainess reincarnation story when she killed her family at the age of 2 in the first chapter


  11. what is this old coot telling a 5 year old?? “you might have to take up arms too”??? id u specially prepare a tiny ass sword and shit or what….even if she does come across as some genius thanks to reincarnation that is still physically pushing it. (was already shaking my head at barracks training but this? lol)

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree wholeheartedly. I understand training from a young age but actually fighting? She’s going to lose no matter what. A 6 year old girl has absolutely no strength. Wait until she can actually develop muscles before throwing her into battle jfc

      Liked by 1 person

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